Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2015

2016-12-07 Wed

The H.R. 2737, the “Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2015” was passed officially on 30th November. The bill was tabled on 11th June 2015, by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. A Congressional Gold Medal will be awarded to the Filipino veterans of World War II for their dedicated services.

After the tensions between the United States and Japan grew since 1941, the military forces of the Philippines joined the U.S. Forces in the Far East under General Douglas MacArthur. They fought as scouts, guerrilla fighters and in other roles. The Japanese troops took control of the Bataan Peninsula in 1942 and captured 66,000 Filipinos along with 12,000 U.S. service members. Almost 6,000 to 10,000 Filipino prisoners and 700 U.S. Armed Forces members died during the Bataan Death March. The Filipinos fought for national pride and were committed to the Allied Forces’ struggle against fascism. 57,000 Filipino soldiers and over 700,000 to civilians died during the war.

The Filipinos in the Commonwealth Army of the Philippines were to receive full veterans’ benefits like pensions and U.S. citizenship. Laws enacted after war declared that the Filipinos who served were not active. Filipino veterans and their advocates have fought for their promised benefits even though the progress has been slow.