The First parachute descent: Andre-Jacques Garnerin

2016-10-22 Sat

The Parachute Balloon ride is one adventure we all would love to enjoy. That cold breeze on your face with that beautiful sky view!

Do know that the oldest Parachute is depicted in 1470’s Manuscript during Italian Renaissance?

But it was André-Jacques Garnerin who was the first to successfully descend from one in on 22 October 1797 at Parc Monceau, Paris. He is also credited with the invention of a frameless parachute. His parachute resembled with an umbrella with a pole running down its center and a rope running through a tube in the pole, which connected it to the balloon. He severed the rope that connected his parachute to the balloon and while the balloon continued skyward, Garnerin with his basket and parachute, fell to the ground uninjured!

A famous English Ballad which sings the glory of this first descend and goes like :
“Bold Garnerin went up Which increased his Repute And came safe to earth In his Grand Parachute”

In order to honor this great inventor, a commemorative stamp was issued by the Republic of Chad which includes the portrait of Jacques Garnerin on the left with three spectators this event. A big Hot Balloon is depicted on the right which is very vibrant and colorful. The face value of the stamp is 50 Francs and below “Republique Du Tchad”.

So get out your Fear and enjoy the sky view from Hot air Balloon with your loved ones!