Burma Military Administration Stamps

2016-09-28 Wed

Among thousands of stamps of Burma, the Military Administration Stamps occupy an important place in the philately of the nation.

Burma (officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar), was like India, was n British colony till its Independence in the 1948. Hence, the legal tender of the nation bears the portrait of the ruling authority.

Burma was invaded and conquered by the Japanese in World War II. After the Japanese were expelled, a British military administration temporarily took control of the country. The stamps issued during the war period are extremely important.

The 16 stamp pictorial set issued during 1938-1940 were reused during the war period. E.g. the red stamp of Two Annas Six Pies featuring the portrait of King George VI on right and Royal Barge – the famous monument of the country is depicting in the centre were overprinted “MILY ADMN” (Military Administration). The stamps also depict Peacock – national symbol of the country flanked by the words “Burma Postage”.

Even though these stamps exhibit a rich hoard of history, they are surprisingly under-priced