

Dynasty / Name of State : Ahmednagar Sultanate

Ruler / Authority : Murtaza Nizaam Shah - II

Denomination : Falus

Metal : Copper

Shape : Round

Weight : 14 - 14.5

Type/Series : Ahmednagar Type I

Minting Technique : Die Struck

Issued Year : 1011, 1017

Size : NA

History of Murtaza Nizaam Shah - II
The history of Ahmednagar Sultanate began with the downfall of the Bahmani or Deccan Sultanate. As the Bahmani Kingdom went into decline, it split up into five Sultanates, one of them being the Nizamshahi Sultanate of Ahmednagar. Founded in1490 CE, the Nizamshahi was one of the strongest sultanate to rise from the declining Bahmans. It was established by Malik Ahmad Shah Bahri, who had served as the governor of Junnar under Bahman rule. He initia...

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SHAD ALAM23/09/2018

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