Helen and Paris: Beginning of the Trojan War.

2017-02-04 Sat

Paris, the son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy was earlier raised by a shepherd named Agelaus due to a prophecy - Hecuba saw a dream in which her child was a flaming torch. A seer Aesacus declared that the yet unborn child, Paris, would be the doom of Troy. Despite being left on a mountain top to die, Paris survived.

Years later all the Greek Goddesses were invited to the wedding of mortal Peleus and Goddess Thetis except Eris, the Goddess of Strife. Enraged she threw a golden apple of discord amidst the goddesses inscribed with the words –“For the fairest”. The Goddesses considered being the fairest- Hera, Aphrodite and Athena starting fighting among themselves. Zeus appointed Paris to judge who was the most beautiful. To enable the decision in their favor, Hera offered him royal power, Athena victories in battles and Aphrodite promised Helen (the most beautiful woman in the world) as his wife. Aphrodite won. However, Helen was already married to Melanaus, King of Sparta.

To claim his prize, Paris left for Sparta, abducted Helen and brought her back as his wife. Angered, Melanaus declared war on Trojan and thus began the Trojan War. Troy was destroyed; Paris died while Helen returned to Sparta with Melanus where they lived happily ever after.

Gambia Post issued this 3 Gambian Dalasi stamp commemorating the love of Paris and Helen based on a 1788 painting of Paris and Helen by Louis David on 7th January 1993.