
1/12 Anna

Dynasty / Name of State : British India

Ruler / Authority : George V

Denomination : 1/12 Anna

Metal : Bronze

Shape : Round

Weight : 1.61

Minting Technique : Die Struck

Issued Year : 1919

Size : 17.5

History of George V
The history of British India is one that all Indians are familiar with. The Rebellion or Mutiny of 1857 showed how discontent the Indian population were with company rule in India. Long standing mismanagement and exploitation by the East India Company of the Indian population and their sentiments had created growing resentment which ultimately sparked the rebellion of 1857.

Once the mantle was passed from the East India Company to the B...

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I am having a ONE QUARTER ANNA coin 1919 & many more for sale. If interested, please call me on 9989493122 or mail me : sreedevipillai56@gmail.com

Onkar Walunj30/11/2017

I have this coin how many rupees i can get by selling it